Premises: |
– Fake news spreads 70% faster than real news, and new real-time information channels such as social media facilitate the efficiency of their transmission. |
– Romania is in the last places in a European ranking conducted in April 2021 on vulnerability to false news and young people are more prone to be affected by false news. |
Purpose: |
– Testing the degree of permeability to misinformation campaigns among young people |
– Checking knowledge about international organizations |
– Development of the critical apparatus |
– Correct information on international organizations |
– Assessing the measures already taken by online platforms, media outlets, and civil society organizations to combat the spread of false news in the online environment |
Activities |
– Online questionnaire to test knowledge about IO and the risk of being fooled by disinformation |
– Development and distribution of innovative materials specific to the online environment – (Tips for detecting fake news (1), infographics, use trustworthy sources) |
– Student workshop – contest (new quiz ) |
Themes: |
– Romania’s membership in NATO / EU |
– The role of NATO / EU at a global level |
– NATO / EU partnership |
– NATO summits and exercises |
– EU meetings |
– How do we recognize misinformation |
– How to inform ourselves correctly |
– Examples of news that contain misinformation |
Latest News
On Friday, November 19, SNSPA organized the BSC Dialogues workshop to analyze the geopolitical and political challenges in Central and Southeast Europe and the implications of COVID-19 in the region. The event was held in English and was structured in two sessions:
- Special Roundtable: Eastern and Central Europe in the new strategic and geopolitical environment
- New challenges in times of Covid-19 – Political and Communication Threats in Eastern Europe
Speakers addressed tensions in the region between Russia and members of the North Atlantic Alliance and the need for a strategy to manage the challenges in the Black Sea area. Russia considers the Black Sea an area of strategic interest, which gives it access to security priorities and lines of interest in other regions such as the Mediterranean, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Although in recent years NATO has initiated the Enhanced Forward Presence and intensified the number of exercises, speakers stressed the need to continue to promote a common understanding of security challenges and perceptions.
Another topic was the impact of disinformation campaigns on the pandemic. The speakers presented the results of research on online communication, more precisely in the space of social networks, of sociological studies aimed at trusting Romanians in countries and international leaders, shared values and public perception of misinformation and fake news, as well as data on increasing populism in the region.
The event gathered security and defense experts and political scientists from Central and Eastern Europe and the United States. We will present the results of the workshop during the sixth edition of the Bucharest Security Conference, an event postponed for the spring of 2022.
On 19th of November 2021 SNSPA will organize BSC DIALOGUES online, aiming to analyse the new strategic and geopolitical environment in Eastern and Central Europe, under the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic.
The event will be held online, on the Webex platform and you can register at
Unfortunately, due to the developments regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania, the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration has decided to postpone the Bucharest Security Conference (BSC) until the spring of 2022.
For BSC, aiming to consolidate its network of experts on security and defence, it was felt that meeting each other in a physical format is one of the key ingredients for a successful conference. The current developments regarding the COVID-19 pandemic could not provide sufficient certainty about the feasibility of a hybrid event, gathering both in-person and online interventions.
With this in mind, we will continue to monitor closely the developments of this situation and keep everyone informed about the new dates for the sixth edition of the conference.
We will organize however an online workshop on the same date, aiming to analyze the new strategic and geopolitical environment in Central and South-Eastern Europe, under the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic.
Bucharest Security Conference 2020
Comunicat de presă post-eveniment
Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative (SNSPA) a organizat, în perioada 13-14 noiembrie 2020, a cincea ediție a conferinței internaționale Bucharest Security Conference (BSC). Conferința a beneficiat de sprijinul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe, al Ministerului Apărării Naționale, și a fost cofinanțată de Cartierul General al NATO. Evenimentul s-a desfășurat în format online, adaptat la condițiile actuale, reprezentând în continuare o platformă relevantă pentru reunirea experților din mediul academic și a specialiștilor practicieni în domeniul relațiilor internaționale, care au dezbătut cele mai actuale evoluții la nivel internațional.
În ediția din acest an, discuțiile din cadrul conferinței s-au concentrat cu precădere asupra impactului pandemiei COVID-19 asupra relațiilor dintre state și asupra dinamicilor de securitate specifice spațiului Euro-Atlantic și zonei extinse a Mării Negre. Printre temele abordate de specialiștii invitați s-au numărat analizarea tendințelor de securitate la nivelul Europei, dintre care potențialele instabilități politice și provocările în materie de apărare sunt cele mai relevante; reușitele și provocările Parteneriatului Estic; situația și implicațiile capabilităților militare existente în Marea Neagră, cu accent asupra rolului Rusiei și obiectivelor NATO în regiune; emergența și implicarea Chinei în Europa, dar și impactul amenințărilor hibride la adresa securității.
Reunind experți din 14 țări, dezbaterile ținute pe parcursul celor două zile ale conferinței au evidențiat modul în care pandemia a influențat rolurile statelor, accentuând importanța acestora în arena internațională. Specialiștii invitați au discutat despre blocajul inițial confruntat de organizațiile internaționale, ca urmare a prevalenței factorilor de ordin național în primele etape ale răspunsului la criza sanitară. Riscurile create prin izolare amplifică, la rândul lor, amenințările la adresa securității. Cu toate că pandemia a devenit un subiect central între preocupările de securitate ale statelor, amenințări anterioare, cum ar fi problemele convenționale de securitate, calculele geopolitice sau schimbările climatice rămân în continuare relevante. În acest context, solidaritatea, dialogul și cooperarea statelor, în cadrul structurilor internaționale, reprezintă oportunități reale în vederea soluționării efectelor pandemiei, dar și a altor potențiale crize ulterioare. Astfel, experții au subliniat rolurile NATO și UE, dar și parteneriatul transatlantic, ca fiind indispensabile pentru securitatea spațiului Euro-Atlantic.
O parte dintre discuțiile din cadrul conferinței pot fi accesate prin următoarele linkuri:
Message of NATO ASG ESC to BSC 2020
Message of the NATO DASG PDD for BSC 2020
The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) will organize on 13-14 November 2020 the fifth edition of the Bucharest Security Conference (BSC), with the support of the NATO Headquarters, and with the participation of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Romanian Ministry of National Defence. BSC continues to consolidate its network of experts on security and defence even in difficult times, therefore the event will be online, on the Webex platform.
The event brings together experts from both the academic environment and practitioners in the field of International Relations, to assess the most recent security evolutions in the Euro-Atlantic space, the new dynamics of the international system, and the ways in which the global power structure evolves under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless the conference aims at sharing NATO and EU values in a changing international environment challenged by tendencies of a return to the national level and power politics.
Participation is free, but by invitation only, and advance RSVP is required. After confirming your participation at, you will receive the link and the connection details. We would be honoured if you would join us.
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Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative din București va organiza în data de 27 -29 Septembrie 2018 cea de a treia ediție a Bucharest Security Conference. Aceasta abordează subiecte actuale în domeniul securității și apărării Euro Atlantice. Bucharest Security Conference este un eveniment organizat de către NATO Partnerships Studies Center din cadrul SNSPA cu sprijinul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe, Ministerului Apărării Naţionale şi Cartierului General al NATO. Evenimentul reprezintă o platformă anuală pentru analiza şi dezbaterea mediului de securitate Euro-Atlantic, acordând o atenţie sporită Europei Centrale şi de Est, zonei Mării Negre și amenințărilor hibride la adresa securității Aliate.
Conferința va reuni înalți oficiali ai NATO, UE, reprezentanți ai Formatului regional de cooperare București 9 dar și ai altor state precum SUA, Marea Britanie, Germania, Polonia, Cehia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Serbia sau distinși reprezentanți ai domeniului academic și de cercetare.
Agenda conferintei cuprinde dezbateri și discuții pe teme relevante precum evoluția relațiilor dintre Uniunea Europeană și Alianța Nord-Atlantică, securitatea regională, rolul comunicării strategice în arhitectura de securitate Euro Atlantică, reziliența, războiul hibrid, securitatea Balcanilor de Vest, securitatea energetică, securitatea cibernetică.
Evenimentul va avea loc la hotelul Athene Palace Hilton, Str. Episcopiei 1-3, București și va debuta cu ceremonia de acordare a diplomelor de excelență sub egida Casei Regale, găzduita de Banca Națională a României.
Persoană de contact pentru relația cu media – Simona Virci –
Pentru mai multe detalii și înregistrare, accesați site-ul BSC.
Conference Website:
Facebook Page: Bucharest Security Conference.
BUCHAREST – The evolving security landscape and the emerging challenges on the Euro-Atlantic frontier require for a more cooperative stance on the part of the Alliance and actions that involve sharing both capabilities and knowledge. In order to fill the existing hiatus still impeding cooperation in certain areas, The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) will organize, from 28-30 September 2017, the second edition of the Bucharest Security Conference, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defence, and co-financed by NATO Public Diplomacy Division.
The event is organized by NATO Partnership Studies Center within the Department of International Relations and European Integration from SNSPA and aims to provide a professional arena for debate and discussions regarding the regional and international security landscape. In this regard, the conference will tackle the most recent cooperation formats – the Bucharest format (B9) and the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) – whose implications will be discussed by high level officials and experts from the security and military fields.
Intended to address the most pressing issues that affect the security environment on the Eastern adn Southern Flanks, the conference will cover topics like Resilience on the Euro-Atlantic Frontier, The Defense and Deterrence Posture on the Euro-Atlantic Border, Economic and Financial Security and Stability, Cyber Warfare and Propaganda, Allied Intelligence and Energy Security, but also Old and New Challenges in the Eastern Neighborhood and in the Western Balkans, the Implications of the Three Seas Initiative.
In order to address these issues, the conference will gather high level decision-makers, academics and experts, high level officials such as ministers of Foreign Affairs, Chiefs of the General Staff, academics, NATO, UN and EU officials. We are proud to announce that among those who confirmed their presence are the President of the European Parliament, Professor Ioan Mircea Pașcu, His Royal Highness Prince Radu, the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Meleșcanu, the Minister of Foreign Affairs from Poland Witold Waszczykowski, the Governor of the National Bank of Romania Mugur Isărescu, the Assistant Secretary General of NATO Sorin Ducaru.
The 2017 edition will mark a novelty for the format of the conference, as it will initiate an award under the high auspice of the Royal House of Romania for personalities with a major contribution in the security and defence debate from the region.